Monumenta 2008, Grand Palais Paris
(stephanemartin– flickr/creative commons license) Richard Serra is well known for his large sculptures of rusty metal ribbons. In his “Monumenta 2008 : Promenade” exhibit in Le Grand Palais, he repeated these ribbons vertically. The iron red compliments the green iron-work …
Le Pavillon noir, Aix-en-Provence France
(vallis-clausa– flickr/creative commons license) Rudy Ricciotti designed the “Black Flag” theatre in Provence, France in 2006. Winner of the Grand National Prize for Architecture, Ricciotti’s design has been described by Angelin Preljocaj as “a frame of iron and concrete dressing …
Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon France
(Athenaathena07– wikipedia/creative commons) The Halle Tony Garnier takes on an industrial structural form based on what was seen at the 1889 Universal Exhibition in Paris, which revolutionized architecture as a machine of function. In 1914 it started as a slaughterhouses …
Citroën C42 Building, Paris France
(philos from Athens– flickr/creative commons license) Add Citroën to Mercedes Benz and BMW as companies who advertise their cars with flashy architecture. Located on Champs-Élysées, the building assumes an element of national economic pride. The company’s chevron logo inspires the …
Georges Restaurant, Pompidou Paris France
(nickgraywfu– flickr/creative commons license) Dominique Jakob and Brendan MacFarlane create their signature blob shapes in the Pompidou’s Georges Restaurant. The aluminum shells provide more private nooks for customers, with intimate lighting overhead. An outside balcony, by contrast provides open connection …
Musée du quai Branly, Paris France
(Tim Brown Architects– flickr/creative commons license) Ateliers Jean Nouvel designed the Musée du quai Branly in 2006. A variety of art in the architecture, including a living wall, a wall of cantilevered boxes, and glowing stick exhibit, create a “sanctuary …
Musée Malraux, Le Havre France
(tetedelart1855– flickr/creative commons license) The Museum Malraux Le Havre sits like a lighthouse on the edge of the coast of upper Normandy with the industrial city to one side and the historic downtown on the other side. Industrial-looking on one …
Centre Pompidou-Metz, France
(Christophe Goessen– flickr/creative commons license)   The Pompidou Center in Paris is opening a new museum in Metz, east of Paris. The winning Shigeru Ban, Tokyo & Jean de Gastine and Philip Gumuchdjian design seeks to decentralize culture by injecting …
Rue de Suisse, Paris France
(pedro botton– flickr/creative commons license) The facade treatments of the Rue de Suisse housing in Paris, France by Herzog & De Meuron speak of very different spaces. The outside perforated metal is somewhat transparent and can be opened by the …