Church of St. Joan of Arc, Rouen France
(Panoramas– flickr/creative commons license)     Louis Arretche designed the Eglise Sainte Jeanne d’Arc Vieux Marche in Rouen, France, completed in 1979. The church replaces the Vieux-Marché market were executions and public humiliations took place. It retains the original stained …
Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris
(Kazuhisa Togo– flickr/creative commons license) Paul Andreu designed much of the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) redesign completed in 2003. Terminal 2E’s roof soon collapsed and kileld 5 people. Investigations found that structural design and procedural construction of the …
Central Train Station, Strasbourg
(ChristinaT– flickr/creative commons license) Jean-Marie Railway Duthilleul and RFR designed this glass dome that runs 120m above this historic railroad station. The Gare de Strasbourg was designed in 1883 by Berlin architect Johann Jacobsthal. The vital hub between Paris, Cologne, …
Les Choux Créteil, Val-de-Marne France
(tetue– flickr/creative commons license) Gerard Grandval designed these ten cauliflower-shaped residential towers, completed in 1974. Each rises 15 floors. Western nations were experimenting with new social solutions to mass housing needs during this time in history. The round shape of …
La Grande Arche de La Défense, Paris
(j-daniel – flickr/creative commons license) The modern Arc de Triomphe in the La Défense district of Paris, La Grande Arche de la Fraternité, was realized by Danish architect Otto van Spreckelsen. Paul Andreu completed the project in 1990, after Spreckelsen’s …
Le Volcan, Le Havre France
Oscar Niemeyer designed Le Volcan at the Maison de la Culture du Havre, which opened in 1982. He collaborated with Jean-Maur Lyonnet, with whom he had just completed the French Communist Party Headquarters. The large volcano contains a 1200-seat theatre …