Halle Tony Garnier, Lyon France

The Halle Tony Garnier takes on an industrial structural form based on what was seen at the 1889 Universal Exhibition in Paris, which revolutionized architecture as a machine of function. In 1914 it started as a slaughterhouses for cattle, and in 1988 Reichen & Robert Associates turned it into a world-class concert hall.

Tony Garnier conceived the building as a concrete structure combined with a steel frame to hold large panes of glass in the ceilings and walls.

The slogan We like to live if art is a god for us kinda shows how Garnier’s utopian theories influenced Lyon. He is largely responsible for zoning of functions, in­dus­try versus recreation and education, and for the reduction in the presence of law enforcement in hopes that people could rule themselves. This building is both monumental and working-class.

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(Leandro’s World Tour
– flickr/creative commons license)

(Leandro’s World Tour
– flickr/creative commons license)