[C]space Pavilion DRL10, Bedford Square London

Alan Dempsey and Alvin Huang designed the [C]space Pavilion for the Architectural Association School of Architecture’s Bedford Square AADRL10 exhibition in Bedford Square, London England. It was displayed in 2008.

The concrete structure is made up of many Fibre-C components slightly bent by cross joints. They make up an object that can be described as shelter, furniture, and art. The 3-D object flows together in a representative cycle of social interactions.

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Video: Project construction

(Loz Flowers– flickr/creative commons license)

(Loz Flowers– flickr/creative commons license)

(Loz Flowers– flickr/creative commons license)

(Ewan-M– flickr/creative commons license)

(edvvc– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by etcname on flickr/creative commons)