Moriyama House, Tokyo Japan
(antjeverena– flickr/creative commons license)   Ryue Nishizawa designed this unique and functional living space, the Moriyama House in Tokyo. These prefabricated boxes provide both private living and public communal space for multiple tenants. The steel compartments range from one to …
Suntory Museum, Osaka Japan
(Max Braun– flickr/creative commons license Just adjacent to the Aquarium in Kaiyukan Minato in Osaka’s Tempozan Harbour Village is the Suntory Museum. This project by Tadao Ando displays his classic relationship between human beings, water, and architecture. Each element, gallery,3D …
Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto Japan
(brightsea– flickr/creative commons license) Here’s the Kyoto International Manga Museum in Japan, another reuse project, from an elementary school. The museum is divided into three programs: gallery, research, collection which includes a 40,000 volume “manga-wall.” Each space is carefully designed …
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space, Japan
(InfoMofo– flickr/creative commons license) Here’s Tokyo’s international theater space. A bus hub opens to a large public plaza full of art works. The theater’s enormous glass atrium attracts visitors inside, where they can choose from five different halls. The Tokyo …