Spanish Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo 2010

Benedetta Tagliabue for EMBT led the design team for the España en Shanghai for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. An organic steel structure is covered by 8,000 hand-weaved wicker panels out of China’s Shandong Province. The brown skin panels fit wonderfully with the steel skeleton as they share some of the same qualities and affords a translucent quality. A variety of colors and weaving patterns adds contrast to this outer facade.

Miralles Tagliabue’s $2.6 million project is surprisingly strong. It has three exhibition halls that showcase the Spain’s origins, cities, and youth. The 6.5m high baby sculpture symbolizes the future of the people. Dazzling light projections and live flamenco dancing entertainment provides a hodgepodge of Spanish excitement. Organic passageways are lined with flashy illustrations of Spain’s art and cultural scenes. The building is a wonderful deconstructionalist form relevant to Europe’s ancient history and provocative of its future.

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