Pentagon Memorial Park, Arlington Virginia

The Pentagon Memorial Park in Washington D.C., which President Bush dedicated today, has been a ‘labor of love’ for those involved. Many have been eager to see a permanent tribute to those killed. Each of the 184 illuminated benches near the crash site represents a victim. The reflecting pools beneath the benches obviously are a reference to the two reflecting pools planned for the WTC site. A perimeter wall changes height to portray the difference in age among the victims. KBAS (Kaseman and Julie Beckman) say the design’s inspiration came from their own personal 9/11 experience. One can tell from their model above with dark greys interrupted by orange and blue patterns, a colored graveyard, that they sought to focus on each person. The project totalled $22 million.

(VeloBusDriver– flickr/creative commons license)

(NCinDC– flickr/creative commons license)

(marabuchi– flickr/creative commons license)


(featured image by U.S. Navy Photo on wikipedia)