One New Change Shopping Mall, London

Jean Nouvel designed the One New Change shopping centre next to St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, UK. Important paths of travel, views, and gathering places wrinkle the form of the 220,000ft2 building, most notably the cathedral, allowing it to fit in comfortably with the urban environment despite its futuristic appearance.

Exterior glazing meets clean walls at a gradient, giving an effect similar to the Signal Box in Basel. Deconstructionalist design continues with the four paths as they meet at the middle, with walls and roofs splintering and fracturing. Walkways, eating venues, and green roofs bring the public to meet the sky, where they also get fantastic views of the city. Prince Charles unsuccessfully tried to block the construction of this complex.

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(mark.hogan– flickr/creative commons license)

(.Martin.– flickr/creative commons license)

(aurélien.– flickr/creative commons license)

(Peter Alfred Hess– flickr/creative commons license)

(Peter Alfred Hess– flickr/creative commons license)

(Jon Blathwayt– flickr/creative commons license)

(Jon Blathwayt– flickr/creative commons license)

(.Martin.– flickr/creative commons license)

(.Martin.– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured images by London Chow on flickr/creative commons)