Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City Missouri

Juxtaposed to the old 1933 “Temple to Art” in Kansas City is a new addition by Steven Holl Architects, called the Bloch building. As one proceeds from the old building, five glass lenses manipulate the visitors’ field of vision. The transulcent walls were carefully designed to incorporate the art with architecture, to provide an appropriate illuminance level while providing a dynamic relationship between the architecutre, landscape, and light. The relationship between inside and outside is magnificant, particularly at night.

This also establishes an interesting hierarchy, as the New York Times remarks. The building does no more than focus the visitors’ view, which is quite profound itself. It defers to its neighbor’s classical architecture and incorporates the natural scenery as well, a park which wraps all around the structure. It also provides a midway between the stone temple and the outside Sculptural Park. Ove Arup & Partners helped engineer this $200 million project.

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(joevare– flickr/creative commons license)

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