Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre, Sydney Australia

The Australian Institute of Architects’ awarded this project and remarked it is “a careful reworking of a significant modernist building…” and “This is a strong reworking of an important building and shows how existing building stock can be successfully rejuvenated.”

Located off Darling Harbour, the wave-shaped roof in a pleasant minimalist style uses materials carefully to give a wonderful architectural expression and city skyline. By Harry Seidler & Associates, Sydney, the Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre is also noted for its lighting, careful intetagration of natural skylights and window facades with articifial lighting.

(roryrory– flickr/creative commons license)

(edwin.11– flickr/creative commons license)

(edwin.11– flickr/creative commons license)

(novemberkilo– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by Simon_sees on flickr/creative commons)