Rolex Learning Center, Lausanne Switzerland
(quinn.anya– flickr/creative commons license) Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA), and structural engineer Manfred Grohmann designed the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne‘s Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne Switzerland. The EPFL center has a library of 500,000 pieces of scientific literature and …
Heidi Weber Museum, Zurich
(Fatlum– flickr/creative commons license) Le Corbusier designed the Heidi Weber Pavilion, now a museum with art exhibits, completed in on the shores of Lake Zürich in Switzerland in 1965. Two roof structures shelter an arrangement of cubes of pre-fabricated colored …
Schaulager, Basel Switzerland
(j lord– flickr/creative commons license) The Basel viewing warehouse contains a museum collection of Emanuel Hoffmann’s art. It was completed in 2003. Herzog and De Meuron rethought the concept of warehouse in this project. As a primordial structure as honest …