Villa Savoye, Poissy France

Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret designed and built the Villa Savoye residence in 1931. It contains all the points of Corbusier’s ideal modern structure and still stands on the outskirts of Paris. The five tenents of the international style are:

  • Pilotis columns elevate the building above the earth so that garden outdoor space can extend beneath.
  • Gardens and terraces on the roof make an otherwise useless space functional.
  • Columns support the structure so that walls can freely be placed anywhere on the floor plan
  • Ribbon windows extend horizontally to illuminate and ventilate the interior
  • Exterior facades are free from bearing loads to open up design considerations

White surfaces were another trademark of modernists. Strict adherence to these tenets caused architectural disasters, such as the thousands killed in African colonies because their pilotis structures toppled from earthquakes. But Corbusier carefully molded this house within its context. Openings were positioned to capture solar gain. The plan was formed from the Golden mean and positioned to accommodate views of the countryside. The new automobile was considered as the method of approach. Ramps led up from the servant’s quarters on the ground floor to living quarters, and then up to the roof. Winding stairs are likewise positioned carefully. Timber, masonry, and metal textures were carefully chosen for detailing. Windows become dominant in some places and walls only used to shade too much direct sun.

If the residence looks more like an office building than a house, that’s because the Villa Savoye became a model for working structures rather than houses. Some points have been lost, like the rooftop solarium, but the ground-floor garage, ribbon windows, open plan, and rational approach has been embraced in many kinds of structures.

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(scarletgreen– flickr/creative commons license)

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(Tim Brown Architecture– flickr/creative commons license)

(Tim Brown Architecture– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by Tim Brown Architecture on flickr/creative commons)