Salk Institute, La Jolla California

Louis I. Kahn designed The Salk Institute for Biological Studies on La Jolla beach in Southern California. Completede in 1966, the formal symmetry of the open and complex concrete forms set a new standard for Modern architecture.

Kahn clearly delineates served and servant spaces, opening up vast spaces both vertically and horizontally for the institute. Careful consideration for views and daylight draw the occupant to the center courtyard. A water feature then brings them to the coastline.

The structure system is highlighted, as it is left exposed and articulated in places that otherwise would be tucked away from view. Kahn also cites cleanliness as a reason for the open and spacious design. Sliding windows are fitted into warm wood.

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(Sam Felder– flickr/creative commons license)

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(Allan Ferguson– flickr/creative commons license)

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(Tim Brown Architects– flickr/creative commons license)

(Tim Brown Architects– flickr/creative commons license)

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