Oslo City Hall, Norway


Arnstein Arneberg and Magnus Poulsson designed the Oslo Radhus, completed in 1950. The blocky brick building has a traditional layout of a grand hall between two towers. Large murals decorate the Banquet Hall and Central Hall. Clerestory windows stream in light, reminiscent of an ancient kingly hall. The artwork references Nordic mythology and modern labor politics. A large astronomical clock sits high on the tower, and one of the largest murals gives homage to St. Hallvard, the patron saint.

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(Luca Venturi Oslo– flickr/creative commons license)

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(2Tales– flickr/creative commons license)

(Bernt Rostad– flickr/creative commons license)

(shannonkringen– flickr/creative commons license)

(shannonkringen– flickr/creative commons license)

(아침놀– flickr/creative commons license)

(아침놀– flickr/creative commons license)

(Allison Harger– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by Kjetil Lenes on Wikipedia/public domain)