Myer National Office, Docklands Melbourne

James Gross of Bligh Voller Nield of BVN architects designed the Myer’s national office in Melbourne, Australia. It was completed in 2010 at 800 Collins Street, Docklands, next to the ANZ Centre.

This and other Myer buildings in Melbourne have interesting curtain wall systems that refract and reflect light to interact with its surroundings. The cubical building brutally protrudes with few interruptions in the opaque walls. The internal structure is half-evident through this skin. The black 5-star rated environmentally healthy building shimmers in stone-white in direct sunlight.

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(DocklandsTony– flickr/creative commons license)

(DocklandsTony– flickr/creative commons license)

(DocklandsTony– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured image by vincentq on flickr/creative commons)