Memorial To Murdered Jews, Berlin Germany


The “Denkmal für die ermordeten Juden Europas” in Berlin is a powerful piece of art by Peter Eisenman. 2,711 concrete slabs of varying height arranged in a grid pattern are a permanent reminder of the attrocities against humanity that stain Europe’s past and present. Our tendancy to create idealic systems built on reason and mathematics produce an uneasy and emotional result in this piece. Idealic blitzes toward humanity in our world’s history has often produced cold machinary and death. This also speaks of architecture. This funeral grid of concrete blocks isn’t too different from the typical German “hochhaus” that surrounds the site and especially the horribly drab living buildings built by East Germany. Architectre today influences societal struggles more than ever. And it’s ireksome how close we could be holocaust. Eiseinman achieves this memorial without symbolism.

The €25 million project opened in 2005. There has been controvery since, of shoddy construction and chipping concrete. Also, it’s reported that the company that applied anti-graffiti coatings was involved in the gassing of Jews in World War Two. As expected, anti-Jewish graffiti has hit the site.



(featured image by John C. Watkins V on wikipedia)