Landscape Formation One, Weil Am Rhein Germany

Zaha Hadid designed the Trinational Environmental Center Landesgartenschau pavilion at Weil am Rhein. Similarities can be seen with the Vitra fire station design.

The isolated object first considers pre-existing paths of travel across the site. Paths ramp and wind around introduced program spaces, and concrete planes curl and sweep through. Glazing is less exciting than at the fire station, but plays a crucial role in filling negative space with light in this structure. The exterior gravel ground is unfortunate and the object looks more isolated than anything.

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(LeonL– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured images by LeonL on flickr/creative commons)