Bergrisch Hall, Bronx Community College New York

Marcel Breuer designed four buildings including Bergrisch Hall for the City University of New York (CUNY) Bronx Community College of what was then New York University completed in 1964. Often overlooked as a relic of ugly Modernist architecture, these structures were the cutting edge of new design in concrete and focus on programmed spaces.

Gould Hall of Technology, Begrisch Lecture Hall, Colston Hall and Community Hall huddle around the neoclassical Gould Memorial Library (1899.) Breuer continues its hierarchy of design by arranging spaces around the library in order of importance. Sky walkways connect the buildings as an indication of their relationships, binuclear structures sharing a common goal yet independent in form.

The reverence for geometry in the coffered concrete give a bleak reminder of the Brutalist years, yet somehow give aspiration in more modern times.

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