Bahrain World Trade Center, Manama Bahrain

Atkins, led by Shaun Killa, designed the Bahrain World Trade Centre in Manama Bahrain, completed in 2008. Three skybridges connect the twin towers and each have 29m wind turbines. Wind tunnels into this space to produce 11-15% of the towers’ power consumption.

At 50 floors, the towers rise 240m, and twist into a sail-shape much like the Burj Al Arab in Dubai. Located in the heart of the downtown central business district, the buildings rejuvenate local businesses and interact with local landmarks, including the NBB, BFH, Abraj Al Lulu buildings. It offers dining and shopping in a mall, and a hotel.

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(Harold Laudeus– flickr/creative commons license)

(jimmyweee– flickr/creative commons license)

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(Harold Laudeus– flickr/creative commons license)

(Harold Laudeus– flickr/creative commons license)

(frostedburn– flickr/creative commons license)

(featured images by Petr Kadlec on flickr/creative commons)